EMPOWER SIS is Attending the AACRAO Annual Meeting March 26-28th. Come see us at booth #608.

6 Reasons To Start The School Year With A New SIS


Student Information Systems

The new school year is right around the corner, and it is your job as administrator to make sure you are prepared. One of the best ways to do that is to upgrade your school’s Student Information System. Here are 6 reasons to start the school year with a new SIS.

New, Easy-To-Use Functions

Simply put, using an outdated SIS is holding your school back. Everyday functions are often time-consuming and troublesome when your student information system is outdated. Even more, you are missing out on a multitude of features and modules to simplify tasks for students and staff alike. 

Higher Security

Another one of the 6 reasons to start the school year with a new SIS would be higher security. There is nothing more worrisome than having important information vulnerable to cyber attacks and security breaches. One major benefit of an updated SIS is improved security to keep that from happening. The service team behind the right SIS is invested in keeping your information safe. Even more, the modules built into the system will work to make sure only the authorized individuals see important information.

Ongoing Support

Even with a state-of-the-art SIS, ongoing support is vital. This includes training, implementation, and ongoing maintenance. Difficulties inevitably arise from time to time. However, having ongoing support to turn to makes all the difference.

Easier Communication

Does your current SIS allow you to reach anyone you need quickly and easily? If not, your school is in need of an upgrade. Communication keeps your school running smoothly and efficiently. Anytime communication gets backed up, it affects everyone. Students, professors, advisors, and more need to be easily reachable between all parties. Upgrading your SIS allows this to happen.

Online Admissions

The easiest way to boost enrollment is through a simplified, quick online admissions process. Simply put, your admissions process is costing you potential students and money if your SIS is outdated. Upgrade your SIS for better admissions software to save you and your staff precious time and effort.

Simplified Payments

Finally, payments should be quick and easy. Tuition for most colleges and universities results in a serious influx of revenue. If your school lacks the proper software, you could be unintentionally creating more work for students and staff regarding payments. 

It’s Time To Upgrade

EMPOWER is here to upgrade your school’s outdated Student Information Systems to our secure cloud. We offer complete access, documentation, processing and more to keep your school running at its highest level. Ready to find out how we’ve been helping schools around the world? Contact us today!

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Are you ready to learn more about EMPOWER and the many services we can offer your school? Contact us today!